Who are the Strausstown Lions?
We are part of the international association of Lions Clubs, which as founded in 1917. Lions are the largest community service organization in the world, with membership totaling 1.4 million worldwide.
The Struasstown Lions Club was chartered in May of 1947. Since then we have given continuous service to the residents of Strausstown and surrounding areas including Bernville.
Lionism works on worldwide projects, but the focus is on improving our local community. Our emphasis is placed on our local playground program and on our Lions community park.
Our membership currently stands at 38 members. Our membership comes from Strausstown, Bernville, Upper Tulpehocken Twp., and Bethel Twp.
What are our responsibilities?
- Blinker light at 183
- Medical center
- Church lights
- Baseball grandstand
- Purchased land to start playground
- Charter club for Boy Scouts
- Bought and maintain Christmas decoration for town
- Started youth baseball team
- Heath screening
- Chicken barbecue
- Night at the races
- Car show
- Playground rentals
Charitable Donations
- Leader Dog
- Beacon Lodge
- Pennsylvania Eye Research
- Berks County Association for the Blind
- Delaware Eye Bank
Youth Activities
- Hire and play for playground program
- Hamburg Area High School Science Award
- Sponsor Hamburg High School Leo Club
- Sponsor Cub and Boy Scouts
- Easter egg hunt
Community Donation and Projects
- Bethel Ambulance
- Maintain Lions local park with toy and basketball court
- Skate park
- Christmas lights
- Street banners
- Eye glass and eye exams for needy
- Hospital equipment
- Veterans Memorial
- Strausstown Fire Company
- Built pavilion and stage at Strausstown Park
- Pay for all park maintaince